Alex And The Glass Slipper Activities For Seniors Rating: 4,0/5 1986 votes

Old Photo - Burnley Grammar School. Childhood - Schools.

Year: 1. 95. 9         Item #: 1. Views: 4. 70,0. 46         Comments: 1,5. Image scaled down from 8.

Peter Daniels - looking for anyone who remembered a Peter Daniels in Goole, father Wallace Daniels, Mother Olga Daniels. Probably born soon after 1952.

Click the image to view the original. There's pleny of room in the modern- styled gymnasium for muscle developing, where the boys are supervised by Mr. Parry, the physical education instruction.

Source: Lancashire Life Magazine, December 1. My boys and their sons still wear one for all sport.

But you are quite right so few younger men now seem to know the benefits of the good old jockstrap! Comments by Andrea on 1st August 2. Cara Hack Password Winrar Tanpa Software Reviews.

My Ex told me that their PE teacher advised them to buy a jockstrap at the start of their third year at secondary school. Before that they weren't allowed to wear anything under their shorts, which became embarrassing for some of the boys!

Alex And The Glass Slipper Activities For Seniors

Comments by Arby on 1st August 2. Guy. You were lucky. As we couldn't wear a jockstrap until the 6th form - as soon as we could, most of us lads rushed to get one and wore them for every sport and game even out of school. How old would a boy have been in 2nd year?

That is not clear to me. Comments by Guy on 3.

July 2. 01. 7. Arby,I feel sorry for you not being allowed to wear a jockstrap until 6th form; I am very glad we did not have that rule! We were not allowed to wear underpants but from the begining of 3rd year were were required to wear a jockstrap.

Some boys started to wear one during second year. Comments by Stuart on 3. July 2. 01. 7. I think in the 5.

PE in just shorts, and maybe cross country in just shorts and plimsolls (or even shorts only, with bare feet), but I doubt they ever did PE naked on a regular basis. Some schools may have made boys strip to just briefs indoors, but I doubt that, and other than maybe as a one off punishment, no boys ever did pe stripped totally naked. Comments by Rob on 3. July 2. 01. 7. Richard, I also find it difficult to believe that boys of any age would have been allowed to do P. E. I went to an all boys school from 1. On the subject of games and P.

E kit, some boys wore proper school soccer shirts, but most of us wore any old shirt for games. We had to have football boots and thick socks and black shorts.

For P. E. the only extra we needed was a pair of plimsolls because we wore the same shorts, and although that was all we wore in the gym and and outdoors, including cross country running, at least we were decent. OK, you might say, we were all naked together in the showers afterward, but that's necessary, but I cannot understand why at any time boys wouldn't have had a pair of shorts to wear for P. E. and have been made to wear them.

Comments by Ross on 2. July 2. 01. 7. Richard, Would like to hear more of your experiences. I cannot simply imagine a school allowing pupils to participate nude for PE even though nudity was encouraged for swimming. Comments by Alfie on 2. July 2. 01. 7. . Must have been a funny sight to watch.

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Comments by Arby on 2. July 2. 01. 7. Neil. You were lucky! Attended a boys secondary school in Kent in the late 1. PE lessons, at least in the early years. Not many boys actually did PE with nothing on, but some in the class did regularly: partly I think because their parents could not afford the extras which games and PE needed, but other boys through choice. What an incredibly different world that was.

In my memory no one ever thought anything of it - it was part and parcel of what happened. Everyone was naked in the summer term for swimming anyway. Comments by Arby on 2.

July 2. 01. 7. at my secondary school in the 6. PE. In addition no doubt in these days where there is a cost to everything doctor's fees are seen as one to cut.

I remember having pre- employment medicals right up to the mid 1. I never thought much about them, it was just what happened. Invariably they were thorough and to a point reassuring as you knew you were fit and healthy when they were over. It's a pity they don't still happen, perhaps if they did we wouldn't have the obesity problems and similar ills of today's society. Comments by Jonty on 2. June 2. 01. 7. I was the same too Robin, but we changed in the gym changing room and stood around in our underpants and like you I wore the interlock trunks or the aertex ones in summer, the doctor used a small storage room off the changing room and the door was always open and you could see the boy in front of you being examined, the place always seemed cold even in summer.

That winter of 6. I left in 6. 3 aged 1.

I wonder if the boys of today at 1. Comments by Robin on 2. June 2. 01. 7. I remember as a 1. We wore nothing except our underpants, and all of us were frozen by the time our turn came to be examined. At that time virtually all underwear was white, but one boy created a stir by sporting a pair of blue briefs. But he was the exception.

It is not right to say that all boys wore briefs in the 1. The great majority did, but a few, me included, wore underpants with legs. They were a bit longer than todays boxer shorts, and the material was nice and soft. My Mum called them interlock trunks, but in the changing room a couple of my classmates called them baggy knickers and made fun of me for wearing them. I continued to wear that style of underpants until I was 1.

Comments by Alf on 2. June 2. 01. 7. It seems there is another Alf on this forum. The last two posts by . Looks like some people on this site are a bit sick in the head!

Comments by Rob on 2. June 2. 01. 7. In the late 1.

P. E. kit at an all boys grammar school was the usual shorts and plimsolls and nothing else both indoors and outside. After each lesson we all had to go naked in the open communal showers. However when we had medical examinations we only had to strip to the waist and never had to remove our trousers and pants. When I had to go London for a medical prior to getting a job, I had to strip to the waist and take my shoes and socks off and the doctor examined my upper body. I was therefore surprised when he then told me to take my trousers and pants off and turn around and bend over and touch my toes. I had to hold my cheeks apart and he did a visual inspection but did not insert his figure into my anus. I then had to lie on a couch while the doctor examined me for hernias before he thoroughly felt my testicles and finally holding my penis, pulled my foreskin right back and opened the slit in the tip of my penis.

Unsurprisingly, by this time I had developed quite an erection, possibly what the doctor had hoped for, although he didn't comment. After I started the job and in subsequent years I learned that everyone at that time had experienced a medical like this; even the women had to take everything off and were examined by a male doctor. At that time it was rare to have female doctors.

Comments by Tim on 2. June 2. 01. 7. Alf I to have recently had to have various intimate prostrate exams and as you say because of the intimate medicals in our younger days, we now just go with the flow. Doctors have seen it all many times before. Comments by Andrea on 2. June 2. 01. 7. Our school medicals were carried out in the nurses room.

This had a waiting area outside and we were called in groups of about 6 and told to strip down to our vest / bra and knickers and wait to be called into the examination room. The nurse checked my height and weight and also checked my hands for warts and feet for verrucas. At the first medical the doctor then asked me to lift my vest so he could check my heart and lungs with the stereoscope. At the same time it was obvious to them that I didn't need a bra yet. Quite a few girls were wearing them by that time and I think the nurse did suggest to several others that perhaps it was time they asked their mum to get them one! The second medical was similar to the first, except that by that time I was wearing a bra.

I had to unhook it and partially remove it so the doctor could do a quick visual examination of my breasts. I didn't really understand why at the time, but I suppose they were checking for inverted nipples or something). I didn't have to remove my knickers, but the nurse did have a quick peek down there and ask if my periods were regular. Comments by Alf on 2. June 2. 01. 7. Keith, interesting what you say about the male doctor checking your testicles, I thought the doc that had examined me was the only one who did that.

We too used to have to turn around and bend over, legs wide apart, buttocks were spread and anus inspected then a hand came forward and our testicles were checked with the usual cough command. Our school doc was a retired army doc so maybe that was their normal way of doing things. On the last occasion when we were eighteen and some lads were going to university and a few to the forces, both requiring a preliminary medical, a requirement of the local authority in those days if you were getting a grant we had to remain behind and we were told to line up facing the wall and bend over. There was no warning about what was to come as he worked along the line giving each lad his first rectal examination, presumably an additional reporting requirement.

It was a shock at the time, looking back I'm certain he wore the same glove throughout - for the protection of his finger, nothing to do with us. In later life with a less than perfectly functioning prostate an annual rectal examination doesn't bother me in the slightest but that first one was a shock.

Comments by Tim on 1. June 2. 01. 7. Keith I agree with these exams as ours was an all boys school,privacy did not come into it and was not an issue. We had no worries about stripping off you just did it. Comments by Keith on 1. June 2. 01. 7. I remember school medical examinations. I think the purpose of them was to be sure we were all developing properly and were normal fit and healthy boys. They happened in primary school a couple of times and then every other year in secondary school and no lad was exempt.