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Google is compensated by these merchants. Payment is one of several factors used to rank these results. Tax and shipping costs are estimates. Hacking Facebook account easily . I have prepared a list of how hackers could hack our FB account easily and how could we prevent it.
How Hackers Hack Facebook Account In Minutes and Its Prevention. How to hack a Facebook account online? Hacking Facebook / Facebook Hacker is one of the most searched and hot topics around the Internet like Gmail hacker.
I have prepared a detailed list of how hackers could hack someone’s Facebook account easily in few minutes and how could we prevent the same. For your information, this is 4. Zero. Hacks. com/FB to reach this page when you get time to read the entire article.
If you are here to find a way to recover hacked Facebook account then our facebook recovery article may help you! Being a FB whitehat hacker, i get these question frequently from people. Is there any online Facebook cracker tool? Where can i get FB hacking software? Is there any free Facebook password finder? How can i hack someone’s facebook account easily? To the best of my knowledge there is no such tool, you won’t find it anywhere and yeah if you google it, you would find many websites claim that they are providing free hack tool either online or offline but you cannot download the password file without completing a survey.
Even after completing a survey you get nothing in the end. These things are posted only in the intention of making money.
Don’t waste your precious time in searching such hack tool. If you want to know how hackers could hack someone’s Facebook account, please go ahead and read the techniques listed below. The most successful method among all of these techniques is PHISHING that enables anyone with no or little technical knowledge to hack Facebook account’s password easily in few minutes. Check out this phishing guide to know more about PHISHING! Some of the techniques listed below are not only applicable to FB but to all daily used internet websites like Google, Twitter, Yahoo etc. You won’t be vulnerable to hacking if you understand how hacking works. This article is made for educating people about how hacking works and how should they prevent it.
Please don’t use these techniques for malicious purposes. FB account . It is easy for anyone who is having little technical knowledge to get a phishing page done and that is why phishing is so popular.
Many people become a victim of Phishing page due to its trustworthy layout and appearance. How phishing works? In simple words, Phishing is a process of creating a duplicate copy of a reputed website’s page in the intention of stealing user’s password or other sensitive information like credit card details.
In our topic, Creating a page which perfectly looks like Facebook login page but in a different URL like fakebook. URL which pretends to be legit. When a user lands on such a page, he/she might think that is real Facebook login page and asking them to provide their username and password. So the people who do not find phishing page suspicious might enter their username & password. The password information will be sent to the Facebook hacker who created the phishing page, simultaneously the victim gets redirected to original FB page. Example : John is a programmer, he creates a FB login page with some scripts that enable him to get the username and password information. John put this fake login page in https: //www.
Peter is a friend of John. John sends a message to Peter “Hey Peter, I found a free trick to make money online easily, you should definitely take a look at this https: //www. Peter navigate to the link and see a Facebook login page. As usual Peter enters his username and password of FB. Now the username and password of Peter was sent to John and Peter get redirected to a money making tips page https: //www. That’s all Peter’s Facebook account is hacked. Kindly note that phishing can be done by a third person through emails and that is how it happens most of the time.
Always beware of phishing emails otherwise you may lose your Facebook account or credit card details or any other sensitive data. Learn more about phishing. How could you protect yourself from online FB phishing? Hackers can reach you in many ways like email, personal messages, FB messages, Website ads etc.
Clicking any links from these messages would lead you to a Facebook login page. Whenever you find a FB login page, you should note only one thing which is URL because nobody can spoof / use Facebook URL except when there are some XSS zero day vulnerabilities but that’s very rare. What is the URL you see in browser address bar?
Is that really https: //www. Trailing slash is important since it is the only separator in Google chrome to distinguish domain and sub domain. Check out the below examples to know the difference)?
Is there a Green colour secure symbol (HTTPS) provided in the address bar? Keeping these questions in your mind should prevent you from getting hacked of online phishing pages. Also see the below examples of phishing pages. Some super perfect phishing pages are listed below. Facebook Phishing Page – Note the misleading URLMost of the people won’t suspect this page (snapshot given above) since there is https prefix with green colour secure icon and no mistake in www.
But this is a phishing page, how? Note the URL correctly. It is https: //www.
Google Chrome do not differentiate the sub- domain and domain unlike Firefox does. SSL Certificates (HTTPS) can be obtained from many online vendors, few vendors give SSL Certificate for Free for 1 year. Its not a big deal for a novice to create a perfect phishing page like this. So beware of it. Facebook Phishing Page – Note the misleading URL. This is a normal FB Phishing page with some modification in the word Facebook. Share or Tweet this article with a hashtag #Zero. Hacks. Query along with your doubts or queries regarding Facebook hacking or prevention techniques.
I will personally answer them for you! Do you want to make money online with zero investment? Then do read our blogspot tutorial to know more! Social Engineering.
This is the second most common technique of hacking Facebook accounts. Actually this method shouldn’t come under Hacking since there is no much knowledge required for this method. I am listing this method under hacking to ensure the list of most common techniques used for FB account hacking in their respective order.
Social engineering is basically a process of gathering information about someone whose account you need to hack. Information like date of birth, their mobile number, their boyfriend / girlfriend’s mobile number, nickname, mother’s name, native place etc. How Social Engineering works?
Security Question. FB- Social- Engineering- Security- Question. Many websites have a common password reset option called Security Question. Most common security questions would be “What is your nickname?” , “What is your 1.
What is your native place?” or any custom questions defined by user. Obtaining these information from the respective people might let us hack into their account. Facebook too provides security question as password recovery option. But setting a weak password could easily allow any of your friends to hack into your account. What is a weak password in this scenario? A password which can be easily guessed by a third person is called weak password.
Don’t forget to change your password before making a comment ? Security Question. Don’t have a weak or familiar security question/answer. It should be known only to you. You can set your Facebook security question here.
Change your Facebook password now if you have any one of the weak passwords stated above. You might also be interested in hacking facebook fan page article. Plain Password Grabbing. This is another common method used to steal Facebook user’s password. Most people are unaware of these method but traditional hackers use this method to hack user accounts. How Plain Password Grabbing works?
In this method, the Facebook hacker / attacker target a particular low quality website where the victim is a member and hack their database to get the stored plain username & password of victim. Here how could the hacker / attacker get access to Facebook? Many of us use the same password for FB and some poorxyz. Facebook hacker to get your password through the low quality poorxyz. In another scenario, the Facebook hacker / attacker creates a website in the intension of getting victim’s password.
Whenever a user signup or register his account using email and create a password and those details will get stored in their db. So they get your email and password. Common people who uses same email and password for these kind of low quality websites might end up getting their Facebook account hacked. How could you protect yourself from Facebook Plain Password Grabbing? You should never trust third party low quality websites, even popular websites like Linkedin passwords are getting hacked.
So never and ever trust third party low quality websites. Most of the website developers are storing plain passwords in database without even thinking about encryption or security.
This makes Facebook hackers job easy since the password is stored as plain text. Best way to prevent this method is to have a unique password at least for websites that you really trust. Don’t use your FB password for any other website/portal and that’s when your password will never get exposed. Key Logger. Key logger is a software tool used to record keystrokes of a computer or mobile devices.
This in turn records everything you type using your keyboard and store it for use. Tracer Wheel Speed Driver Provider. Generally key loggers are installed as application software in operating systems to track key strokes but there are hardware keyloggers as well. Hardware keyloggers also known as physical keyloggers attached to a computer in a USB port records everything before it sends the keyboard data to the computer. There are various mobile key loggers which performs the same in various operating systems. How Key Logging works?
All keyloggers run in background (except trail versions) and won’t be viewable to users until you know the keylogger password and shortcut used to view it.