The BIG Chess Glossary - Chess- Game- Strategies. There was supposed to be an introduction here, but the idle, work- shy Chess Glossary Team have done their collective best to totally not do one. The King will usually be forced to stand aside, to get out of check, but will lose the Piece or Pawn at the rear. Referring to the playing style of an opponent, who shows an eagerness for tactical or aggressive play. More basically, a piece is often described as Active when it serves an active role, such as being advanced to a square where it could, subsequently, threaten the enemy's position. An Active Bishop can be a Good Bishop or a Bad Bishop; yet both situations can be equally productive.
Home site of the Wachusett Chess Club, serving the Central New England chess community for over half a centiry. USCF (United States Chess Federation) & MACA.
When a game of chess is suspended/postponed, but with a view to continue it again at a later time or date, it is said to have been Adjourned. The Chess Glossary Team said they'd have a go at adjourning their work, but management said they'd have a go at adjourning their pay .. This practice happens mostly in online games of chess, but is hardly ever seen in over- the- board (OTB) chess games.
A player who notices this can call out . Any of White's Pawns that reach the 5th Rank and on up to the 7th Rank would be deemed an Advanced Pawn; for Black, the Pawns must reach the 4th Rank and down to the 2nd Rank.
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Music and chess have so many parallel characteristics in regards to mastering either of them that the training method of one can successfully be applied to the other.
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Alekhine's Gun involves the Queen and 2x Rooks, stacked together on a single File. The Queen is at the base of the formation, with the two Rooks in front, pointing at the enemy, like a big gun. Put the two together and you have a neat system for following Chess matches/tournaments - be it during a live match, or historical games of significance. But also done by the winner, in order to reinforce what went well, so they can maybe take it into their next game.
This practice was common throughout the 1. Century. The plan is what's at fault, rather than a player making a blunder when following a good plan. Antipositional Play creates weaknesses in your position. Follows on from the Sicilian Defence sequence (1. The sequence known as the Anti- Sicilian begins with White's 2nd move: 2. Nf. 3 being the most common move, but other variations exist.
Duties include settling disputes and, when players are under time pressure, they'll be involved with keeping score. For international tournament, the person is known as an International Arbiter. In Armageddon games, White does get the benefit of more time (6 minutes versus Black's 5 minutes).
When shorter Blitz games havn't resolved the playoff tie- breaker (to decide the overall match winner), Armageddon games will typically be played to decide matters. When a player goes on the offensive with one of his pieces. Preoccupation of the Chess Glossary Team's sadistic Pit Bull Terrier. Bone- idleness is the Chess Glossary Team's biggest attraction. Refers to an attempt to Attract the enemy King into an exposed position, by using one of the Pieces (Knight, Bishop, Rook, or Queen) as sacrificial bait - the selected Piece may be captured by the King, but by doing so, the King will walk into an exposed position, ready for you to attack. With Algebraic Notation, White's Back Rank is the Rank 1; while Rank 8 is Black's Back Rank. However, due to time constraints, or specific threats from the enemy, the player is unable to create an escape route for his King.
The player's only option is to be vigilant to the enemy attacking his weak position. There's more, so check out the link (easier to watch the video, than write an explanation). A Bishop that has its diagonal paths obstructed by pieces from his own side - most often, these are Pawns that have their own paths blocked, causing the knock- on obstruction. Alternatively, the Bishop may be on the 'wrong color' squares, enabling the enemy to safely land their pieces without the Bishop being able to do anything about them. With its collective brain synaptically treading a somewhat cynical path, the Chess Glossary Team sense another holy scandal amongst the high- ranking God- botherers. Abbreviation for the now defunct British Chess Federation. The Chess Glossary Team say it stands for Bladder Control Failure.
Abbreviation for the British Chess Magazine. The Chess Glossary Team say it stands for Bladder Control Maintained. In honor of the legendary Scandinavian Warriors, who would go into a seemingly maddened, frenzied attack during battle - it's applied, in Chess, to one or two pieces that launch a sudden string of attacks in quick succession. Not applied to the Chess Glossary Team .. But a textbook case was observed in Management, upon finding the office totally devoid the Chess Glossary Team.
As an example, the sequence: 1. Nf. 3 Nc. 6 3. d.
Nxd. 4 g. 6 5. That is, the Pawns on the c- File and the f- File, respectively. This advantage is seen most clearly in the endgame phase. One caveat: in Closed Game situations, it's the Knight - with its ability to jump over obstacles - that usually has the upper hand. Typically, the Black army will be colored Black, whereas the White army will, um, be colored White.
However, with 'artistic license', manufacturers of Chess sets will play about with different color themes for the pieces. The main distinction is that White's army is a . Alternatively, if someone says . Say, you move your Knight into the line of sight between the two pieces - you . Agreeing to work with the Chess Glossary Team. A bad move that allows an opponent to make positional advantage and/or capture one of your pieces. The Board is made up of 6.
Sounds like a good idea to the collective, lazy spirit that makes up the Chess Glossary Team. When a player advances a Pawn or use a Pawn to make a capture that opens a blocked position - you've made a Break in the enemy's position. When you get any of your pieces through to attack the enemy's back row. When you get any member of the bone idle Chess Glossary Team to work without hint of being blackmailed for a pay rise. Refers to a short game of Chess, typically involving no more than 2.
Brevity is mainly a British term for this situation, but such short games are also known as Miniature games. Refers to a short stint of Work, typically involving no more than 2.
Chess Glossary Team's time. Whenever any member of the Chess Glossary Team turns up to work. A game of chess regarded as having been played beautifully and spectacularly.
A Brilliancy game typically involves unexpected moves, successfully played and sacrificial attacks. Brilliancies don't always have to include the best moves, or sound play, by either player. Packet of Monster Munch. At some chess tournaments, organizers might award a prize for the best brilliancy played during the event. Actually, the correct term is had, as this organisation is no more ..
When it's the turn of the next player (to move), what the Bronstein Delay does is it delays the chess clock for a certain period of time, before continuing to count down the player's remaining time, as usual. The late Bobby Fischer referred to the King's Gambit as being . Swiftly followed by second, consecutive . Owing to an odd number of players, at a Chess Tournament, the player who doesn't get matched- up with an opponent will get a Bye (or, a pass) into the next round. Usually, a Bye scores the player 1 point. That said, certain tournaments allow a player to take a Bye (normally in the first or last rounds, respectively), for which the game they pass- up will be declared a Draw and so score them . Chess has its own deity - the Goddess Caissa.
To invoke the luck of this Goddess, the incantation goes like this (you say): . The Chess Glossary Team has a deity, too - the Goddess Paymemore. Their incantation goes like this: . Garry Kasparov is very good at this. The Chess Glossary Team are, er, not.
Playing with a Capped Pawn is something of a handicap. It means one of the players, usually the stronger (more- capable) player must deliver Checkmate with a particular Pawn (just 1 of the available 8 Pawns!), while the weaker player can Checkmate with any Pawn or Piece available, as per normal games of Chess. The usual Capturing method is for a Pawn or Piece to land directly on a square occupied by an enemy Pawn or Piece. The exception to this is during En Passant. The King is the only Piece that cannot be Captured. A special move that takes place between the King and Rook, on either the King's side or Queen's Side of the board, with the sole purpose being to quickly get your King to relative safety, while releasing a Rook from it passive corner square. What some bankers allegedly had before they spanked your money into sub- prime housing.
Quite often, these games won't be timed. You make a move, you post/email it out to your opponent. If you haven't died of boredom, you get then next move back in the post/your inbox and off you go again. The four central squares on the Chess Board - d. Small Center. Securing a controlling majority in the Small Center can be strategically important and can often lead to a player, favorably, dictating the game's outcome. It's the prime reason why so many Chess Openings focus on trying to control this little region of the Board.
America's two fingers up at the English's . Lidl Baked Beans. A Cheapo is a slang term that refers to a crude trap that a player might set when in a losing position - it's a last- ditch attempt to Swindle their way to a Win or, at the very least, a Draw. Blank, signed and made payable to the . When a King is directly threatened by an opposing piece. Played on a regular Chessboard, Chess.
World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer and allows players to setup their Pieces (not the Pawns) in a random starting order, on the Back- Rank. Because of the random setup, this variant has also been referred to as Fischer Random Chess. The Chessboard is, basically, flat square tile consisting of a checkered- pattern of 3. There are two faces on a typical Chess Clock. When a player finishes their move, they press down the button on 'their' clock, which stops their timer and starts the timer ticking down on their opponent's clock. Some databases go ballistic with over 3.